Synopsis Film Django Unchained - The film Django Unchained is a drama genre movie will premiere release on December 25, 2012. One of the players of the film Django Unchained is Leonardo DiCaprio who plays Calvin Candie. Immediately following cast and synopsis of the film Django Unchained more.
Players movie Django Unchained:
Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel L. Jackson, Walton Goggins, Dennis Christopher, Kerry Washington, Zoe Bell, Laura Cayouette, MC Gainey, Don Johnson, RZA, Tom Savini, Anthony LaPaglia, Jonah Hill, James Remar, Tom Wopat
The film Django Unchained is a film that tells the story of Django, a messenger who tried to escape from the 'master' and then met a fugitive pursuer German named Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz). Scultz then helps Django to save his wife Broomhilda (Kerry Washington) is kidnapped by a dangerous villain Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio).
Takes place in the period before the Civil War, in which slavery is still a reasonable thing in America. Django (Jamie Foxx), a slave who worked for the landlord, met with Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz), the German fugitive hunters who are hunting the killer named Brittle Brothers.
Finally, Django and Schultz work together to hunt Brittle Brothers, provided, Schultz wanted freed from his master and helped Django Django Broomhilda find his wife (Kerry Washington) who had been separated from them many years ago. Once agreed, the two journey began, which eventually found a clue, which is the figure of Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio). A wealthy landowner who has 'Candiland', in which he employs dozens of workers, who in addition to work, she fights with one another, as the entertainment and sports events. All activities organized by unions fighting Ace Woody (Kurt Russell).
Django and Schultz then spying Candiland. But their movements were both suspected by Stephen (Samuel L Jackson), the most loyal slave to Candie. Then all movement Schultz and Django have been exposed, now they both have to get out of Candiland while carrying Broomhilda.
Django Unchained will be released on Christmas Day, December 25, 2012.